Basics of Text Mining

Text Mining :

What is Topic Modeling? What techniques are used for topic modeling? Explain with examples?

what is Clustering? What techniques are used for clustering?

Example of Clustering

Document 1 Vector=[2,1,0]

Document 2 Vector=[0,1,2]

Initial centroids:

Centroid 1=[1,0,1] Centroid 2=[0,2,0]

Calculate distances, assign documents to clusters, and update centroids iteratively until convergence.

How Bag of Words Documents work? Explain with Numerical Examples.

How Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) can be used for document classification? Formulate the process using numerical Example.

What is Word Embedding? What are commonly used word embedding Techniques? Describe each technique.

Formulate Word2Vec (Word to Vector) using numerical example.

Formulate GloVe (Global Vectors for Word Representation) using numerical example

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