Use Grid Search CV to tune hyperparameters in time series forecasting with ANNs:
1. Prepare Data:
- Preprocess: Handle missing values, scale features, and consider normalization for time series data.
- Split: Divide data into training, validation, and testing sets (e.g., 70/15/15). Respect temporal order to avoid future data leakage.
2. Define ANN Architecture:
- Choose architecture: Decide on the number of layers, neurons per layer, activation functions, and output layer structure (e.g., single neuron for regression, multiple neurons for multi-step forecasting).
3. Set Up Grid Search CV:
- Import: Use
from scikit-learn.
- Define parameters: Create a dictionary specifying hyperparameters to tune and their possible values:
: Number of samples per training update
: Number of times to train on the entire dataset
: Controls model's learning speed
: Algorithm for updating model weights (e.g., Adam, SGD)
: Activation functions for neurons (e.g., ReLU, tanh)
: Number of neurons in layers
: Technique to prevent overfitting
- ...and others specific to your ANN implementation
4. Wrap ANN in Scikit-learn Estimator:
- Use
or KerasRegressor
to enable integration with scikit-learn.
5. Create Grid Search CV Object:
GridSearchCV(estimator=keras_model, param_grid=param_grid, cv=cv, scoring=scoring_metric)
: Number of cross-validation folds (e.g., TimeSeriesSplit
for time series)
: Evaluation metric (e.g., MAE, MSE, MAPE)
6. Fit Grid Search CV:, y_train)
7. Retrieve Best Hyperparameters:
best_params = grid_search.best_params_
8. Retrain Model with Best Parameters:
- Use
to train the final model on the entire training set.
9. Evaluate on Testing Set:
- Assess performance on unseen data using the chosen metric.
Key Considerations:
- Time Series Specifics: Respect temporal order in splitting and validation.
- Computational Cost: Grid search can be time-consuming. Consider alternatives like randomized search or Bayesian optimization.
- Hyperparameter Importance: Not all hyperparameters have equal impact; focus on the most influential ones.
- Cross-Validation for Time Series: Use appropriate strategies like
- Libraries: TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, or scikit-learn's neural network modules can be used.
Additional Tips:
- Start with a coarse grid and refine as needed.
- Visualize results to understand hyperparameter interactions.
- Consider early stopping to prevent overfitting.
- Explore alternative model architectures and hyperparameter tuning techniques.